1094 Budapest, Ferenc krt. 23, Hungary
Activating leadership potentials since 1972 ✨

AIESEC is the solution

AIESEC-ers are top talents who believe in making an impact on the world through passionately working towards our organizations goals. Collaborations organized with AIESEC are unique opportunities for companies to present themselves to students and connect with young, motivated and highly qualified graduates. Showcase your brand, enhance your publicity and stand out as a top choice organization for the soon-to-be graduates and young students to engage with your future opportunities and initiatives.

AIESECers are TOP Talents

Why partner with us?

Attract Students
and brand your organization as investigating and supporting the skill enhancement of young people
Grow Brand Awareness
and connection with your culture through our network
Create unique touchpoints
with youth and deliver attractive workshops or custom collaborations
Position your company
as an employer of choice for students who will look for a job within the next couple of years


members locally




partners and organizations


year presence in Hungary


unvisersity prensence
Dominik Végh

Head of Business Development
