1094 Budapest, Ferenc krt. 23, Hungary

Innovation is ifjúsági Must: AIESEC Exchanges Programs Redesigned

Innovation is a Must: AIESEC Exchanges Programs Redesigned

Learn more about our new exchange programs and discover which one is the perfect fit for you!

Developing leadership

During the last few months, societies around the world have been changing, adapting, and innovating towards new ways of living. As an organization, we kept working to engage young people with the desire to develop our leadership model and see themselves as the leaders the world needs. 

However, to keep developing young leaders, we had to adapt. Instead of exchanges, we offered people content and reflection through podcasts, articles, webinars, and even an international event to debate the future of youth and to networking – the Global Leadership Day.

But now, slowly, we go back to the possibility of traveling around the world again, always taking safety measures. For AIESEC, traveling is an opportunity to experiment and learn about the world to understand how we can change it. The news is that as the world changed, we did too. You can read below more details about our remodel programs and discover which one suits you better.

New exchange programs: volunteer and professional opportunities

  1. Global Volunteer

Still the same! But if you don’t know yet:

Work from 6 to 8 weeks at NGOs or Educational Institutions while developing your behavioral skills. 

The purpose of the global volunteer program is to develop your leadership through a volunteering project contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. You will develop your leadership qualities in a cross-culture experience while promoting a direct impact on a community and indirectly on the achievement of 2030 agenda. 

2. Global Talent

If you are a young professional looking for opportunities to boost your career, this is your perfect chance! Global Talent is a professional program for people working with Marketing, Business, and Engineering. 

This program offers you the opportunity to be an intern at big companies, start-ups, accelerators, and other organizations. It’s a unique chance to develop your leadership skills on challenging roles while expanding your horizon with a global opportunity, working on a new environment, and adapting to a new culture.

You can choose among three different types of experience, depending on your goals and availability.:

  • Short-Term: from 6 to 8 weeks, where you can have either a salary or accommodation covered.
  • Mid-Term: from 9 to 24 weeks, opportunities will provide a salary.
  • Long – term: from 9 to 78 weeks, opportunities will provide a salary.

This program aims to improve young professionals’ experiences making them more experienced and employable. 

What’s new?

3. Global Teacher

This program is our biggest news! Quality education is a cause in the spotlight. Many leaders around the world frequently point out how access to education is a human right that we must keep fighting for universal access. You can contribute with SDG 4 being a teacher abroad through our Global Teacher program. 

You can work on educational organizations around the world, and you can also choose among three different types of experience, depending on your goals and availability.:

  • Short-Term: from 6 to 8 weeks, where you can have either a salary or accommodation covered.
  • Mid-Term: from 9 to 24 weeks, opportunities will provide a salary
  • Long – term: from 10 to 78 weeks, opportunities will provide a salary.

It’s a lifetime experience to develop your leadership skills and launch yourself in a global setting while making a social contribution. The greatest part of teaching is learning! And imagine how much you can learn by living a Global Teacher experience. 

Plan for later

We redesigned our programs to assist you better according to your personal development goals. And don’t worry, if you are still afraid to travel due to pandemic, our exchanges will return only in September. Take time to plan for later. You can contact a local AIESEC office in case of doubts.  

Find more information about our programs at aiesec.org. Also, keep up with AIESEC in Hungary on Instagram to see more about your opportunities.

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