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A way to self-acceptance

A way to self-acceptance

A way to self-acceptance

Self-acceptance is essential for your mental and emotional well-being. It’s important to learn to love yourself in and out and the things that make you unique. It is probably one of the reasons why we like to hold sessions in our organization that dives deep into ourselves. It’s about letting go of the things you can’t change and appreciating the people around you and what makes you personally unique. However, being comfortable in your own skin isn’t always easy. Here are some ways you can practice self-acceptance in your day-to-day life.

First, try to make sure that you start thinking about the things that make you a special individual. Ask yourself how their differences may benefit you in the future and how they add value to your life. It’s important not to focus on the things that you can’t change, and it may be a good idea to let things go of what you can’t change and welcome the things you love most about yourself. 

Secondly, try to identify your strengths and write down the things you’re good at and love to do like sports, music, art. Practicing these activities regularly can help you feel more confident in your abilities.

Hence, as the third step, set a few realistic goals for yourself and create a plan to meet them. Don’t forget to reward your achievements when you meet them and after you reach them, make a list of them regularly.

After you reach your accomplishments, make a list of them regularly. Post your list someplace where you can see it often. 

Set a few realistic goals for yourself and create a plan to meet them (this may also help with your self-esteem). Don’t forget to reward yourself when you meet a goal!

Fourthly, make a list of the things that you accomplished so far and add them to it regularly. Put your list somewhere where you can see it often. 

If you can, try to avoid the people that challenge your self-acceptance especially in the long run. Thus, try to memorize a few thoughts that you can say to yourself if you begin to doubt your worth.

As for the fifth step, try to think positively and remember to speak kindly to yourself, and turn any self-critical, negative thoughts into positive ones. Don’t be too hard on yourself or compare yourself to others. Consider a few things to treat yourself and spend quality time on your own, that you like to do. Take a bath, go for a walk for example, but the most important thing is to do something that makes you feel relaxed. In general, it is important to take care of yourself by eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising. 

And as the last step, find support for yourself. You can always share your feelings with people you trust such as family and friends. You could even try to ask them to name you two or three things they like about you.

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