1094 Budapest, Ferenc krt. 23, Hungary

You, as the future of the young generation

You, as the future of the young generation

Over the history of AIESEC, youth has been highlighted within our exchanges and membership. As the world is progressing, challanges we face today are becoming more complex, and we as AIESECers put our trust into youth, in order to shape the world. But what does that mean exactly?

Well, AIESEC is the biggest youth organization in the world, with a global platform for young people to develop their leadership potential. We develop this potential by connecting young people to global interships and roles. This is the very fundamental concept of what you have to know about us, but in order to open your eyes a bit, and letting you into the life of an AIESECer, let me share you a little yourney of mine that is immensely similar to what other people experince here, and eventually, what You would experince if you joined AIESEC. So are you ready? Let’s get into it.

When I joined this lovely organization about 2 years ago, I got into a team of 4 people. Our project was to help students in Hungary to visit other countries within our programs. Thereby as a member, my main work here included making interviews with them and then helping them in the process of their application. During the semester, you can choose among the events you want to participate in that AIESEC organizes, even if it is something connected to membership promotion, program promotion or conferences. In spite of the fact that our group was successful but most importantly modest, I realized something no one really told me at that time. And although the conlusion is usually at the end of the story, this is the most crucial message I can give to you. People around you shape you the most, thus it is extremely important to surround yourself with people who are positive, seek for a better future and who make you a better person overall.

Regardless of whether you are an introvert or extrovert person, connections that you make in your life will matter a lot. And at the beginning, for me it was hard to open up, and it usually happens to a lot of people. But eventually what really matters is what you take out of the experinces, how you can cope with the challenges you face along the way, and who is the person you want to become.

Thus I can tell you, this is a place where I learned a lot about myself, and the improved many of my skills such as presentation, coordinating a team and hundreds of other micro skills that is needed in the work industry.

With that little story wrote above, I would like to encorouge and inspire You. Even if you are a current or an umpcoming university student, be brave and grab the opportunities ahead of you. Even though you will face many obstacles and hardships, these are the kind of things that really shape your personality, and eventually the people who you connect with.

I hope you are a person who can relate to this story, and if I drew your attention, leave a sign-up here, and start a journey with us. 


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